Getting insurance is something that many people tend to ignore when planning to travel abroad. Going on a trip especially in an unfamiliar place can be risky. An emergency sickness can take all the excitement and fun away from your trip. For this reason, it makes sense to purchase emergency travel insurance. When you get sick abroad, can you handle the possible medical expenses you will incur? If you are an immigrant, getting down with a health issue in a foreign country translates to huge financial obligations on your part. In the United States, for instance, there is no health coverage for immigrants so you could spend around $50,000 when you get injured. So as you make your search on where to get emergency travel insurance, here are five important features you should look for in the policy: 1. Emergency medical evacuation When looking for emergency travel insurance, make sure that it pays for medical evacuation. Let us say that you get injured or sick in a remote part and the hospital does not have enough facilities to treat you, your evacuation to a larger city might be needed for better treatment. 2. Transportation to a local hospital Another important […]