Travelling via plane can be quite expensive. For this reason, we will always try to look for the cheapest possible tickets. Finding one is really that easy. It all takes a little bit of research and hard work on your part. Here are some tips on finding cheap airplane tickets. 1. Use Neighboring Airports While this may not be the most comfortable way to travel, using the airport nearest you can truly save you some cash. If you have a car or some other means of transportation going to the nearest airport, this is certainly worth trying. 2. Booking Midweek Flights Another way you can get cheap tickets is to book midweek flights. The airfares during these days are usually cheaper than for weekend flights. So if flying during weekend is not necessary, try and book during the midweek and you may be able to secure for yourself cheap airplane tickets. 3. Buy Tickets In Advance Although it is still possible to get cheap last minute flights, you are better off searching for them ahead of your trip. 4. Stay away from the Holidays The Holidays is usually the time of the year that you need to avoid if you […]